Millet value chain in Senegal
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Building an Ecosystem for the Empowerment of Women in Burkina Faso’s Niébé Value Chain:
1. Advocacy for Policies, Programs & Budgets in
Support of Women farmers: Structured meetings with Parliamentary Select Committees, Private sector players etc. Estimated Cost: USD 100,000
2. Support for establishment of Women Coopera- tives and/or Strengthening existing Cooperative’s. Estimated Cost: USD 170,000
3. Capacity Building: Skills training for Organized Women Farmers groups and Cooperatives (Niébé VC): Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Climate smart agriculture, Post-harvest Management, Niébé value addition; Food safety, Leadership & management, financial management, marketing, etc. Estimated Cost: USD 250,000
4. Increasing Womens access to modern labor-saving technologies. Estimated Cost: USD 240,000
5. Support for commercial processing Value addition of Niébé into assorted products; branding and hygienic packaging & Marketing. Estimated Cost: USD 220,000
6. Creating Market linkages & increasing women’s access to market intelligence (MI). Estimated Cost: USD 120,000
7. Scaling up & scaling out Good Practices. Estimated Cost: USD 100,000